Gorenjska region

My name is Sava. I’m born in the small enchanting place called Zelenci where I start my journey to join my big aunt Danube river. My baby name is Sava Dolinka until my sister Sava Bohinjka joins me.

When I spring out from the ground, in winter I see frozen lakes, white mountains and trees. I see people running on skis beside me, driving on horse sleigh or eating food smelling so good that my mouth gets watery.

In spring I admire blooming meadows and far into the late autumn mountains half covered in the coat of forests displaying their show of colors. I listen to birds’ songs and give shelter to trouts that people fish sometimes.

People praise my ever-changing color from blue to different shades of green. They speak of breath-taking gorges, my cousins – blue crystal-clear lakes and waterfalls. I like observing people racing with me on their bikes or when doing fun things called festivals and cultural events. I like their towns, castles and churches.

People have always been very interested in me. Recently the interest has risen to the point when certain individuals talk about me and everything I see on my journey. When I say good bye to my homeland I feel green and I feel Slovenia.



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The Sound Postcard of Preddvor: 46.302200, 14.422100
Rekreatur de Slovenie: 46.212617, 14.332566
TOUR PREDDVOR: 46.302288, 14.422139
Visit a beekeeper: 46.302200, 14.422100
ReTOUR Gorenska: 46.215677, 14.333467
Kokra River canyon: 46.238200, 14.355400
Classic guided tour of Kranj: 46.238203, 14.355537
Tunnels under the old town of Kranj: 46.238055, 14.355381
CASTLE DVOR: 46.301692, 14.422243


+ Danube Guides in Gorenjska, Slovenia

danube guides slovenia gorenjska

Passionate about:
I am a licensed tour guide and local tourist guide in Kranj. With numerous officially done tours. I like to learn new things permanently, with non-stop travelling and reading.

Guided tours:
• Local tourist guide in Kranj
• State licensed tour guide (valid in EU and around World)

• »Certified« Danube Guide

• Slovenian
• Serbian (Croatian)
• English
• German (basic)

ernesta koprivc

Passionate about:
I’m a licensed local tourist guide in Preddvor, where I’m also employed in the Institute of Tourism Preddvor. My job enables me to do exactly what I’m passionate about – providing people to have the best time doing activities in nature and connected to nature.

Guided tours:
• Local Guide in Preddvor

• »Certified« Danube Guide

• Slovenian
• English

danube guides slovenia gorenjska

Passionate about:
I enjoy combining cultural and natural heritage and this is why I focused on guiding a tours presenting a castle Dvor with opulent display of interior and equally interesting stories of its residents and the a tour presenting a purity of river Kokrica in Preddvor and its wild canyon in Kranj. Tours can be combined.

Guided tours:
• Classic guided tour of Kranj
• Trenches under old Kranj
• Kokra River Canyon

• »Certified« Danube Guide
• Local guide for Kranj and Preddvor

• Slovenian
• German (basic)

danube guides slovenia gorenjska

Passionate about:
I am a local tourist guide in Kranj since 2008. Since then, I have done almost 500 tours, mostly in Kranj and some in other parts in Gorenjska region. I am retired and I have enough time and motivation to work. I am constantly involved in courses, lectures and seminars.

Guided tours:
• Local tourist guide in Kranj
• Tours in some other parts in Gorenjska region

• Certified Danube Guide

• Slovenian
• Serbian
• Croatian

danube guides slovenia gorenjska

Passionate about:
Cycling, event management

Guided tours:
•Rekreatur de Slovenie

•Entrepreneur for 32 years (marketing);
•E-bike manager (project Inerreg-LENA);
•Civitas training on Cyclin 2.0 (project CIVITAS);
•Recognition for socially responsible

•French (poor)


Danube Guides Contact Point in Slovenia

danube guides slovenia contact point

BSC, Business Support Center, Ltd, Kranj
Regional Development Agency of Gorenjska
Blanka Odlazek – Project manager
Cesta Staneta Žagarja 37
SI-4000 Kranj

Fon: +386 (0)4 281 72 42
Fax: +386 (0)4 281 72 49
Web: www.bsc-kranj.si/
E-Mail: blanka.odlazek@bsc-kranj.si

About the BSC, Business Support Centre, Ltd, Kranj

BSC Kranj is a regional development agency of Gorenjska, with over 20 years of experience in preparing and implementing EU and nationally funded projects in the field of sustainable development, environment protection, sustainable mobility and tourism. BSC Kranj is a national contact point for Danube Guides in Slovenia, offering:

  • Education for certified guides wishing to become licensed Danube Guides
  • Information how to become a Danube Guide
  • Information on how to become a trainer for Danube Guides

We are closely cooperating with central Danube Guide organization in Ulm, Germany.

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